Please check out my blog on the Boobie Palozza website:
BY: NICOLE PELUSO, IBCLC, Staff Lactation Consultant at The Sanctuary Breastfeeding Resource Center
Preparations for baby seem to be getting more complicated with each generation. Mothers often ask us at the Eco-Boutique at The Sanctuary to tell them what they really need. Due to the economic climate, families are being more discerning in what they buy to prepare for baby’s arrival. There are also desires to bring baby into an eco-conscious environment and not expand on our carbon footprint with unnecessary baby paraphernalia.
With this in mind, Breastfeeding Resource Center at The Sanctuary offers this list of Top Ten Essentials for Life with a Breastfeeding Baby:
1. The warmth of her mama’s arms
2. A safe, comfortable place to feed in public or at home whenever baby is hungry or simply wants the comfort of her mama
3. The distinctive scent of her nearby mama surrounded by clean, fresh air that is healthy for her to breathe
4. Organic, natural fibers to clothe her body
5. The softness of her mama’s bed in the moonlight hours
6. Feeding schedules based on baby’s hunger cues, not the clock
7. Skin to skin time
8. Being carried throughout young infancy by loved ones, sometimes in a cuddly carrier
9. Peaceful quiet: her mama’s voice with minimal stimulation from manmade outside sources such as television and traffic
10. Fresh mama’s milk whenever possible
Most mamas have everything necessary for successful breastfeeding, but when you need help, we have ways to support you. Private consults with our lactation consultants, group support at our La Leche League meetings, and friendly guidance in the Eco-Boutique at The Sanctuary can help if you are having difficulties. When there are challenges beyond the Top Ten Essentials, we are here to help you locate the breast pump that is right for you, herbs to increase your milk supply, environmentally friendly nursing pads, special bottle nipples for your caregiver to use while you are at work to help your baby breastfeed longer and better, breast shells and shields, wonderful Milk Savers to collect your milk without pumping, hands-free pumping bras, cotton carriers and wraps, and more.
L.A. mamas can phone our 24 hour number to set up consults or have any of our breastfeeding supplies delivered to your home day or night. 877.552.6437
NICOLE PELUSO, IBCLC, is a senior staff consultant at the Breastfeeding Resource Center at The Sanctuary. Nicole has been a lactation consultant and La Leche League Leader since 1997 in L.A. and Connecticut. She earned her doula certification through the National Midwifery Institute and holds a B.A. in English from Boston College with a concentration in Women’s Studies. Nicole is the mother of three children born peacefully with the assistance of amazing midwives. 877.552.6437